5 Types of People to Place on your Nonprofit Board

Sabrina Walker Hernandez
2 min readApr 15, 2020

Just created your nonprofit and need board members? Or trying to grow your nonprofit board? Not sure where to start or don’t know the qualities you need.

Repeat after me - time, talent and treasure. You are looking for people that have time to serve on your board and attend the meetings. You are looking for people who are experts in different areas. You are looking for people with the ability to donate to your nonprofit.

It’s important to place people on your board who are able and willing to put in the effort to see your nonprofit succeed.

So, which types of people do you need for a successful board?

1. People of Influence

We all know those people who everyone wants to know. People you respect and admire. So, recruit board members who have great influence in their industry with an excellent leadership track record. You are looking for people who actively recognize opportunities to exercise their influence for your nonprofit.

2. People of Affluence

Recruit those people who have the ability and willingness to write a large check to your organization. These people also have connections with other people of affluence who can serve as donors and help spread the word about your organization. However, do not let the check substitute for their passion for your nonprofit’s mission.

3. An Existing Volunteer or Donor

Look to those who are already investing their time and treasure in your organization. They already have a proven track record of commitment to your nonprofit. These individuals will most likely gladly attend meetings, serve on committees, help drive programming and ensure your nonprofit is fulfilling its mission

4. Service Professional

Professionals like attorneys, bankers, and financial advisors can serve as subject matter experts for your nonprofit. While serving on the board they are a resource to review contracts, financial documents, and agreements. They can also provide feedback and suggestions that assist leadership when making decisions.

5. Young Professionals

If you are looking to bring energy to the board member consider adding a young professional. They are also very passionate and often have more time to serve because of fewer family obligations. They bring with them into the board room a fresh perspective on solving old problems, access to a new network of contacts, and new ideas for communicating with clients and donors through social media.

I hope this helps. Did I miss out on a type of person? Let me know in the comments.

If you are a CEO or ED of a nonprofit organization and want to learn from me and others join the Supporting World Hope Facebook Group.

You can follow me on Instagram @the_nonprofitexpert and other social media platforms @supportingworldhope: Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest.



Sabrina Walker Hernandez

Certified Consultant, Coach, & Facilitator helping nonprofit & small businesses build relationships that convert into more revenue.